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How to Launch a New Product Based on a Social Media Trend?

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, keeping up with the latest trends on social media is crucial for businesses looking to stay ahead of the competition. The power of social media as a marketing tool cannot be underestimated, especially when it comes to launching new products. In this blog post, we will explore the story of Belgian Boys, a breakfast and baked goods company, and how they successfully launched a new product based on a viral TikTok trend. We’ll uncover the key strategies they employed and the lessons they learned along the way.

Align the Product with Your Brand

When considering launching a product based on a social media trend, it’s essential to ensure that the idea aligns with your brand’s values and target customer base. Belgian Boys recognised that the #pancakecereal trend on TikTok resonated with their core customers – busy parents who sought convenience without compromising on taste. By offering their version of pancake cereal, they stayed true to their brand mission of providing quick, easy, and delicious baked goods.

Validate the Concept

Before diving headfirst into developing the product, Belgian Boys did their due diligence by validating the idea. They sought feedback from friends, family, and industry peers to gauge the potential demand for pancake cereal. Importantly, they also engaged their retail partners, including Target, who shared valuable insights and expressed interest in carrying the product. This buy-in from a major retailer not only validated the concept but also provided a strategic partner to help navigate the product development process.

Leverage Influencer Marketing

To recreate buss around the pancake cereal trend, Belgian Boys leveraged the power of influencer marketing. They collaborated with over 60 influencers, focusing on those who had tried the original trend, to generate excitement and awareness for their product. The influencers received creatively curated PR boxes that showcased the uniqueness of the product and the brand’s playful personality. This approach not only drove engagement and impressions but also introduced new audiences to the Belgian Boys brand.

Listen to Your Customers

The success of Belgian Boys’ pancake cereal product taught them an invaluable lesson about customer listening. Rather than solely chasing the next viral trend, they realised the importance of continuously listening to their customers across various platforms. Social media is a rich source of information, and understanding what customers are talking about, excited about, and facing as challenges can lead to meaningful product innovations.

Bottom Line

Launching a new product based on a social media trend requires a careful balance of innovation, authenticity, and customer-centricity. Belgian Boys’ success story with their pancake cereal product demonstrates the power of aligning the product with the brand, validating the concept, leveraging influencer marketing, and listening to customers. As you embark on your own product launch journey, remember that social media can be both a source of inspiration and a tool for gauging consumer sentiment. Are you looking for expert guidance in navigating the world of social media marketing and digital marketing in Chester? Reach out to Social Buzzing, the best social media agency in Chester. With their expertise and innovative approach, they can help your brand shine and succeed in the digital landscape.

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